BY-LAWS IOWA GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS ASSOCIATION (A CORPORATION) ARTICLE I SECTION 1 - MEMBERSHIP ARTICLE II SECTION 1 ARTICLE III SECTION 1 - AMOUNT ARTICLE IV SECTION 1 ARTICLE V SECTION 1 - OFFICERS (a) The Executive Board shall be composed as specified in the Articles of Incorporation, Article IV, and the majority of the Executive Board shall be composed of Class A and B Superintendent Members, in good standing, of both the IOWA GCSA and the GCSAA. The officers of the Executive Board shall be Class A and B Superintendent Members, in good standing, of both the IOWA GCSA and the GCSAA, which shall include the President, Vice-President, and the Director of Association Affairs. ARTICLE VI SECTION 1 - ANNUAL MEETING ARTICLE VII SECTION 1 ARTICLE VIII SECTION 1 ARTICLE IX SECTION 1 |