By - Laws






Each applicant for membership in the Association shall furnish satisfactory evidence of
his/her qualifications to the Association’s Executive Board, which shall be the sole judge of the applicant’s qualification for membership. Their term “Regular Member”, as used hereinafter, shall mean only Class AA, Class A, or Class B Members, defined in Section 2 below. The term “Charter Member” shall mean those Class A Members who were Members as of January 1935.


LIFE MEMBERS: To qualify for Life Membership, a Member must have been a Regular or Charter Member for at least twenty-five (25) years, or a former member of the Executive Board and must have retired from active service as a golf course superintendent. A Life Member shall have all the rights and privileges of the Association except that of holding office. A Life Member shall be excused from payment of annual dues and assessments.

GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT MEMBERS: To qualify for Class A membership, an applicant shall have at the time of application for membership, at least three (3) years experience as a golf course superintendent and be employed in such capacity. To qualify, an applicant, after July 1, 1997, must also be a member of GCSAA. Class A Members shall have all the privileges of the Association.

- GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT: To qualify for Class B membership, an applicant shall have completed, at the time of application for membership, have been a golf course superintendent for less than three (3) years and is currently serving in that capacity. Said person after July 1, 1997, must be a member of GCSAA. Class B members shall have all privileges of the Association.

ASSISTANT GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENT: To qualify for Class C membership an applicant shall be, at time of application for membership, an assistant to a golf course superintendent, and shall be presently employed in such capacity. Class C members shall have all privileges of the Association except holding office.

EMPLOYEES OF GOLF COURSE SUPERINTENDENTS: To qualify for Class D membership an applicant, at the time of application, must be employed by a Regular Member of the Iowa Golf Course Superintendents Association. A Class D Member shall have all the rights and privileges of the Association, except that such member may not vote or hold office. Transfer of a member from Class D to another membership class, upon proper application, shall be at the discretion of the Executive Board.

- INACTIVE MEMBERS: An Inactive Member is a member who by circumstances such as unemployment, illness, or adverse financial condition, is unable to pay dues. Membership in this class may be granted, upon proper application, at the discretion of the Executive Board. Inactive Members may not vote or hold office. An Inactive Member shall be excused from the payment of annual dues and assessments for a period not to exceed six (6) months from the date of application to this class. Transfer of a member from Class E to another membership class, upon proper application, shall be at the discretion of the Executive Board.

- ASSOCIATE MEMBER: To qualify for an Associate Membership, an applicant must be a person interested in growing, management, or production of turfgrass, either individually or through employment by, or other affiliation with, a company, proprietorship, or association, who does not qualify for membership in another class. Associate membership shall have all the privileges of the Association, except those of voting and holding office. Each company will have the privileges of naming two (2) of its employees or owners as representatives of that company to the Iowa Golf Course Superintendents Association. All rights and privileges will be accorded these representatives except that of voting and holding office.

- RETIRED MEMBER: Any Class A, B, C, D, E, or F Member reaching the age of 60, who is retired and no longer seeking employment within the scope of activities of any membership class of this Association, may apply to the Executive Board in writing for Class G membership, the annual dues for which shall be fifty dollars. Class G Members shall have all the rights of the Association afforded the applicant in his immediate previous classification, with the exception of holding office.

- SUSTAINING MEMBER: To qualify for membership in this class, an applicant must be a firm, company, or government body that is not qualified under any of the other membership classifications. Sustaining membership shall have all the privileges of the Association, except those of voting and holding office.

FACILITY MEMBER: To qualify for a Class I membership, the application must be submitted by a golf course facility. The golf facility applying for a Class I membership cannot have a Class A or B member at the facility. Membership will be issued in the facility’s name with one representative assigned as the recipient of the benefits. The representative must be acting in the capacity of the primary caretaker of the facility. A Class I membership representative shall have all the rights and privileges of the Association, except that such member may not vote or hold office.

- TURFGRASS STUDENT MEMBER: To qualify for Class S membership, an applicant must be a turfgrass student enrolled in a formal course of education as a turfgrass student. Class S Members shall have such privileges of the Association as the Executive board may specify from time to time by standing rules, except those of voting and holding office.


Any person who desires to become a Member of the Association shall file an application in
writing with the Chapter Executive Officer on an application form which will be furnished by the Chapter Executive Officer on request. An application shall contain, among other things, a concise statement of the applicant’s training, qualifications, and experience. The application must be signed by the applicant. Each applicant must have the endorsement upon his application of at least two voting members in good standing. The Executive Board may waive the required endorsements upon proof by the applicant that such endorsements may not be reasonably obtained because of the applicant’s geographic isolation from Members of the Association. The completed application must be accompanied by remittance of one year’s dues. In any case where an applicant is refused membership in the Association, the amount remitted with his application shall be returned.

Effective July 1, 1997, all new Class A and B membership applicants must submit an application for membership or evidence of membership with Golf Course Superintendents Association of America.

All current members as of July 1, 1997, will be exempt from the Dual Membership requirement as long as they remain members of the IOWA GCSA.


Any firm, company, or government body which desires membership in this class shall file an
application form which will be furnished by the Chapter Executive Officer on request. The application shall contain, among other things, a concise statement as to the organization's purpose in applying for Class H Membership in the Iowa Golf Course Superintendents Association, and shall also state its products, business, or professional activity or other interest in becoming a Class H Member. The applicant must be interested in the growing, management, or production of turf and agree to work for the best interest of this Association. The application form must be signed by an appropriate organization official or representative, and must also contain the recommendation for membership of the applicant signed by two voting members of the Iowa Golf Course Superintendents Association. The completed application form must be accompanied by a remittance of one year’s dues.


Application for membership shall be approved or rejected by a majority of the Executive
Board. In the event that an application for membership is rejected, a hearing for reconsideration shall be held at the next regular meeting of the Executive Board or at a special meeting called by the Executive Board for such purpose. Any applicant requesting a hearing for reconsideration shall be notified at least two (2) weeks in advance of the time and place set for such hearing. Statements in writing and testaments may be presented at such hearing.


An Honorary membership may be bestowed upon those individuals whom the Association
feels, for sufficient reason, are worthy of such classification. The Honorary Member shall have all the privileges of Regular Members, except the privileges of voting or holding office. Honorary membership shall be for one year unless otherwise designated, and shall be granted by unanimous vote of the Association Members at each Annual Meeting. They shall not be required to pay the regular Association dues and assessments.


All reclassification of members shall be made by the Executive Board, in accordance with
standing rules adopted by it from time to time, or pursuant to directives adopted by the membership at any annual meeting or any special meeting called for that purpose.

(a) Voluntary Reclassification: Any individual member may request a change in his/her
membership classification to accord with a change in his/her qualifications for membership as set forth in Section 2 of the Article I.

(b) Mandatory Reclassification: All members, upon renewal of their annual membership,
must clearly state their current employment status. This statement of employment status shall be based upon the Association’s officially accepted job titles and golf course organization chart, or other commonly accepted listings of job titles. The Executive Board shall, upon receipt of this statement, determine the appropriate class of membership for each individual and shall be empowered to alter the individual’s membership classification to properly reflect stated qualifications.


A membership certificate shall be issued to each member of the Asso
ciation. The certificates shall be in such form as the Executive Board may prescribe from time to time.


A Class A Member upon unemployment shall notify the Executive Board in writing no later
than fifteen (15) days after termination of employment. The Executive Board may grant a six (6) month grace period from the date of notification, during which the member shall retain all rights and privileges of Class A status. At the end of the six (6) month period, the member shall notify the Executive Board in writing for a mandatory reclassification.



No member shall at any time use his/her affiliation with the Iowa Golf Course
Superintendents Association for the purpose of promoting schemes, ideas, or objects for the purpose of private or collective gain.


If any Member shall hereafter be charged with conduct unbecoming a Member of the
Association, or conduct, in the opinion of the Executive Board, likely or calculated to injure or discredit the character or interest of the Association and information of such conduct left with the President, the notice of filing of such information shall be given to the person concerned, and the opportunity to be heard in reply. Whether or not a reply is filed to such charges, the Executive Board shall hold a formal hearing on the charge and reply, if any. Such testimony shall be taken at the hearing as the Executive Board shall deem pertinent and material. In the event that any information of supposed improper conduct shall come to the attention of the Executive Board or any member thereof, said Executive Board may, upon its own motion, prepare and file charges with the President.


If, after the hearing, in the judgement of the Executive Board the conduct in question is
cause for loss of membership, notice of the Executive Board’s decision will be given to the member concerned. Appeal may be taken from the decision of the Executive Board to the annual meeting of the Association where hearings shall be held upon a transcript of the oral testimony and the documents presented at the Executive Board’s hearing. No evidence shall be heard or ordered upon any such appeal before the annual meeting, except that incorporated in the record of the hearing before the Executive Board.


Any expelled Member, no earlier than one (1) year after the date of the loss of membership,
may make an application for reinstatement. The Application shall be made in the manner and form provided in Article II, Section 3.


Any former Member suspended for non-payment of dues, desiring to be reinstated to
membership will apply for reinstatement in the same manner as provided for an applicant for membership. Application for reinstatement must be accompanied by remittance of such dues as are due and payable at the time of such application.



(a) The annual membership dues will be approved by a majority vote of the members present
at any annual meeting to fulfill the Association’s needs as established by the Executive Board.

(b) Special membership assessments will be made, with the approval of a majority vote of
the members of the Association present at any annual meeting, and only if the Executive Board deems it necessary to meet the operational needs of the Association.


(a) The membership dues shall be due
by April 15th annually, after which membership becomes delinquent.

(b) Delinquent membership dues shall be paid within a ninety (90) day grace period, after
which time (July 15th) membership expires and can be reinstated only after conforming to requirements set forth in Article II, Section 5, of the By-Laws.

(c) The Executive Board may, for sufficient cause, temporarily waive payment of annual
dues or assessments by any member who from ill health, advanced age, or other reason is unable to pay.



A major project of the Association shall be the sponsorship of a special fund to be known as
the TURF RESEARCH FUND, and shall be for the support of turfgrass and associated research work at Iowa State University.

ON 2

All funds, assessments, and other revenue for support of this project shall be controlled by
the Executive Board in consultation with turf research and extension personnel at the Iowa State University.


The Association shall encourage cont
ributions for this fund from its membership, golf courses, dealers and distributors of turfgrass equipment and supplies, as well as all the groups and individuals interested in fostering research and education for “Better Turf Everywhere”.


Executive Board shall appoint a Treasurer of the Turf Research Fund. Said Treasurer shall serve until a successor is appointed and shall administer the fund as directed by the Executive Board and shall submit a financial report at each Annual Meeting of the Executive Board.



(a) The President, Vice-President and Secretary/Treasurer shall be elected at each Annual Meeting and shall
serve terms of one (1) year, but may be re-elected at the expiration of their terms in office except that:

(b) The President shall not serve for more than two (2), one year consecutive terms. He/she
may, however, serve again upon election provided that one or more years have elapsed since his/her last term as President.

(c) The outgoing President sha
ll be automatically presented by the nominating committee to serve a one (1) year term on the Executive Board as a immediate Past President.

(d) One (1) Board member shall be elected at each Annual Meeting and shall serve a one (1)
year term in the event the immediate past President chooses not to run.


(a) The Executive Board shall be composed as specified in the Articles of Incorporation, Article IV, and the majority of the Executive Board shall be composed of Class A and B Superintendent Members, in good standing, of both the IOWA GCSA and the GCSAA. The officers of the Executive Board shall be Class A and B Superintendent Members, in good standing, of both the IOWA GCSA and the GCSAA, which shall include the President, Vice-President, and the Director of Association Affairs.

) In case a vacancy occurs in the Executive Board, the remaining members shall appoint a Class A or B Member, in good standing, of the IOWA GCSA, to complete the unexpired term of office. While making this appointment, the remaining members shall ensure that the Executive Board composition requirements of section 2(a) are met.

(c) The membership of said Association includes members in areas of adjacent states to the
State of Iowa. Therefore, the State of Iowa and those portions of adjacent states as designed from time to time by the Executive Board shall constitute the geographical limits of the Association. The geographical area as so established by the Executive Board shall be divided into three (3) districts designated as West District, East District and Central District. Representatives from each District, along with 2 At large Representatives, will serve on the Iowa GCSA Board of Directors. Said districts shall be designated by the Executive Board on a state map which shall be kept with the permanent records of the Association and those portions of adjacent states shall be specifically made a part of those districts in Iowa to which they lie adjacent.

(d) West, Central Districts and one At-l
arge Director shall be represented on the Executive Board and shall be elected in even numbered years. The East Director and other At-Large Director shall be elected in odd numbered years. A Director must be employed in the District he represents during the term of his/her office except If the Director of any District cannot be found, then any Class A or B Member, in good standing, meeting the Executive Board composition requirements of Section 2(a), residing within any District as specified in Article V, Section 2, may be elected at the Annual Meeting to fill the vacancy.


(a) The President shall preside at all Executive Board meetings and all Association
meetings, appoint committees, make up a program outline of each meeting, and give complete reports of Annual National Conventions.

(b) The President shall appoint a nominating committee of at least three (3) voting members
in good standing, announcement of which shall be at least ninety (90) days prior to the Annual Meeting. The nominating committee shall submit a list of nominees to the membership at least thirty (30) days in advance of the Annual Meeting. The duty of the nominating committee shall be to nominate eligible candidates for such elective offices as there are to fill for the ensuing year.

(c) The Vice-President shall assume all the duties of the President in cases of the President’s
absence or non-availability, except to serve as the official delegate to the National Convention without prior authorization from the Executive Board.

(d) The Chapter Executive Officer shall keep and maintain adequate records and minutes of all
Association meetings and Executive Board meetings, keep and maintain an accurate list of all members, give notice of all Association and Executive Board meetings, notify members as their dues become delinquent and again fourteen (14) days before their membership expires, collect and record all membership dues and assessments, pay all just and correct accounts when due and payable, render and present a complete financial statement at each Annual Meeting of the Association, and notify each new or reinstated member as soon as the application has been passed on by the Executive Board. The record books of the Association as kept and maintained by the Chapter Executive Officer shall be kept at such place or places as the Executive Board may designate.

(e) The Secretary/Treasurer shall be responsible for keeping records of Board actions, including overseeing the taking of minutes at all board meetings, sending out meeting announcements, distributing copies of minutes and the agenda to each Board member, and assuring that corporate records are maintained. The Secretary/Treasurer shall present a financial report at each Board meeting. The Secretary/Treasurer shall chair the finance committee, assist in the preparation of the budget, help develop fundraising plans, and make financial information available to Board members and the public.


(a) Govern t
he affairs of the Association.

(b) Take action on all new applications and reinstatement application to membership in the
Association before the close of the next regular business meeting.

(c) Appoint a Treasurer of the Turf Research Fund.

(d) The Execu
tive Board shall appoint a GCSAA Chapter Delegate. Said delegate must be a Class A or B member in good standing of the Iowa Golf Course Superintendents Association and Golf Course Superintendents Association of America. The Executive Board shall also select a GCSAA Alternate Delegate in case the primary delegate is unable to fulfill the duties of the position.

(e) The delegate or alternate delegate shall be the official delegate of this Association to the
National Convention of the Golf Course Superintendents Association of America.



(a) The Annual Meeting of the Association shall be held at the same time and the same place
as the Annual Turfgrass Conference as prescribed by the Iowa Turfgrass Institute, or at any other time and place designated by the Executive Board, provided however that at least thirty (30) days advance notice in writing or electronically shall be given to each member of the association.

(b) The Annual Meeting of the Executive Board of the Association s
hall be held following the adjournment of the Annual Meeting of the Association.


(a) The regular meetings may be held monthly during the months of May, June, July,
August, September, October, and one meeting in November or December or other time deemed appropriate by the Executive Board. Notice of the exact time of each regular meeting shall be given to the membership at least one (1) week prior to the regular meeting.

(b) Special meetings shall be held at such times as deemed n
ecessary by the Executive Board.

(c) Any special meeting of the Board of Directors may be conducted by a telephonic or
electronic means conference, if a majority of the Directors so agree.

(d) Waiver of Notice: Notice of any meeting of the members of the
Board of Directors may be waived by the Director signing and delivering a Waiver of Notice to the Secretary of the Board. A person who attends a meeting without making objection of the failure to have received proper notice of the meeting shall be deemed to have waived such notice.


(a) Annual Meetings of the Association. The members present entitled to vote, provided at
least thirty (30) days notice in writing or electronically of said meeting shall be given to all members entitled to vote, shall constitute a quorum at said meetings.

(b) Executive Board Meetings. A Majority of the number of the Executive Board fixed by
Article V, Section 2 of these By-Laws shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the Executive Board, but if less than such majority is present at a meeting, a majority of the Executive Board present may adjourn the meeting from time to time without further notice.

(c) Other Membership Meetings. The members present entitled to vote, provided at least
seven (7) days notice in writing of said meeting shall be given to all members entitled to vote, shall constitute a quorum at said meetings.


(a) The current Roberts Rules of Order
shall govern the order of business and the conduct and procedure for all meetings of the Association, except where said rules are inconsistent with these By-Laws and other special rules of order as may be adopted by the Association from time to time.



These By
-Laws may be amended, or new amendments added, by a majority vote of Association members present at any Annual Meeting of the Association providing notification has been given as provided in the Articles of Incorporation, Article VI.



The Association hereby establishes a special fund to be hereafter known as the Iowa Golf
Course Superintendents’ Association Scholarship Grant Fund (I.G.C.S.A Scholarship Grant Fund) and the Iowa Golf Course Superintendents’ Association Legacy Scholarship Grant Fund (I.G.C.S.A. Legacy Scholarship Grant Fund).


Said Scholarship Grant Fund shall be financed as follows:

(a) Any portion of the net income received by the Association each year from the ITI
Scholarship and Research Tournament.

(b) Any portion of the interest and dividends earned and received from all other IOWA
GCSA investments.

(c) Any portion of the monies and properties received from all other sources designated for
said fund by the Association, or by any other person, firm, or Association.

(d) The Executive Board shall have the authority, by a majority vote, to determine the
amount allocated to said fund and dispersed from said fund.


(a) All monies and properties received int
o said fund shall be maintained in a separate fund and account by the Chapter Executive Officer of the Association.

(b) The Chapter Executive Officer of the Association shall report annually to the
Association as to all income, expenditures, and assets of said fund.


All applicants for scholarship grants from said fund - excluding the IOWA GCSA Legacy Scholarship Grant - shall be students currently enrolled in Turfgrass Management or related curriculums at Iowa Universities, Colleges, Iowa Area Technical Schools, Iowa Community Colleges, and those students who are legal residents of the state of Iowa and enrolled in Turfgrass Management or related curriculums at any University or College outside the State of Iowa.

All applicants for the IOWA GCSA Legacy Scholarship Grant shall be a child, grandchild or legal dependent of an IOWA GCSA member. This person must be enrolled or accepted to enroll in a university, college, junior college or technical school. He or she need not be a legal resident of the State of Iowa.


Said fund shall be administered by the Executive Board of the Association in accordance
with the following general guidelines:

(a) The Executive Board shall develop and circulate to all members of the Association and
to all Universities, Colleges, Area Technical Schools, and Community Colleges located in Iowa, the general criteria of the Scholarship Grant Fund.

(b) The Executive Board shall develop and make available to all interested parties
application forms by which students and prospective students may apply for a Scholarship grant.

(c) The Executive Board shall determine a minimum level balance which the Scholarship
Grant Fund must maintain so as to permit it to have permanence and perpetuity.

(d) The Executive Board sh
all appoint a Scholarship Committee from the members of the Association. The number of members on the Committee and their term of office shall be left to the discretion of the Executive Board.

(e) The Scholarship Committee shall serve and assist the Executive Board in all matters
relative to the administration of the Scholarship Grant Fund as the Executive Board shall so direct from time to time.


(a) The Scholarship Committee shall receive, review, record, and compile all applications
for Scholarships.

(b) The Scholarship Committee shall refer all applications to the Executive Board along
with the recommendations in accordance with rules established by the Executive Board.



The President shall annually appoint an
Election Committee consisting of at least three (3) voting members of the Association, who shall conduct the election activities of the Association at the Annual Meeting under the direction of the Chairperson. In addition to the candidates recommended by the Nominating Committee, nominations will be open from the floor. Election shall be by ballot for officers and directors. If there is but one candidate for any office, that election may be held by voice vote.


The President, Vice-President,
and Directors are elected by plurality vote. All other issues shall be decided by a majority vote of those present at the Annual Meeting, except as otherwise stated in the By-Laws.

The Iowa Golf Course Superintendents Association is a 501(c)6 nonprofit organization.
8050 Golf House Drive, Des Moines, Iowa 50211   |   Phone: 515-635-0306

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